Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 8/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Nutrition and Dietetics, Nutrition and Dietetics (Other)
Midwifery, Models of Care and Place of Birth, Clinical Midwifery, Midwifery (Other)
Education, Early Childhood Education, Child Development Education
Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing, Nursing, Midwifery, Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health
Nursing Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu CEYLAN Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Hemşirelik Bölümü 0000-0002-0795-6174
Mental Health Nursing
ICU Nursing, Aged Care Nursing, ​Internal Diseases Nursing​, Nephrology Nursing, Oncology Nursing
Asst. Prof. Dr. Feyza AKTAŞ REYHAN Kütahya Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Ebelik Bölümü
Models of Care and Place of Birth, Midwifery (Other)
Fundamentals of Nursing
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülfidan BAŞER KTO Karatay Üniversitesi
Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Health Sciences
Health Sciences
Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing, Nursing, Health Sciences, Pediatric Endocrinology
Surgical Diseases Nursing​​
Health Management
Health Sciences

It is to carry the studies in the field of health to the academic environment by publishing original studies in Turkish and / or English in the field of scientific and / or health at both national and international levels. It is aimed to take place in TR directory and SSCI index with the contributions from you.

KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in which original scientific studies are evaluated with double-blind peer-review. Submission of articles and evaluations of Scientific Advisory Board Members are carried out electronically. Articles submitted for publication must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. If the article was previously published; quote text, table, picture etc. If it is available, the author of the article must obtain written permission from the publisher and the authors of the publication. Abstracts presented at scientific meetings are accepted on condition that they are stated in the article. In addition, detailed information about the papers whose abstracts are published in special issues of the journals should be reported.

Works submitted to the journal for evaluation should be submitted in 2 word files. These are the presentation page to the editor and the main article files.

1. On the  ptitle page to the editor; the title of the sent article (in Turkish and English), the name / surname of the author / s, academic title (s), correspondence address, e-mail address, ORCID, telephone numbers (business phones / mobile phones), contact author information and if the article was presented at a congress / symposium place and date must be found. If there is an institution financing the study, it should be written. If there are individuals who contributed to the study, they should be thanked.
2. The main article should not contain author name and address information.
3. Turkish articles should be based on the Turkish Dictionary of the Turkish Language Association.

4. The manuscripts should be written in (A4) size (21x 29.5) paper, with a 2.5 cm gap on each side, Times New Roman, 12 font size and 2 line spacing (including tables). The number of pages should not exceed 30 in research articles and 20 in review articles. No arrangements should be made in the text (including tables) other than those mentioned above. All arrangements are made by the typesetting team.

5. Ethical committee approval must be obtained and documented separately for clinical and experimental animal studies requiring an ethical committee decision. National and international ethical rules must be followed. The text titled Ethical issues at http://uvt.ulakbim.gov.tr/tip/etik.uhtml can be used. Copy of the ethics committee's permission and the right of publication transfer form signed with a wet signature should be sent to the editor by e-mail.

6. The summary should be written in Turkish and English and should not exceed 300 words. Turkish summary; “Purpose, method, findings and conclusion”, English abstract (Abstract); It should consist of "objective, method, results and conclusion" sections. In the summary section, abbreviation should not be used, formula and source should not be shown.

7. "Keywords" should be included at the end of the Turkish abstract. "Keywords" should be included at the end of the English Abstract. At least three keywords must be written and Keywords must be separated by commas (,). English keywords should be given in accordance with “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)” (See www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html). Turkish key words "Turkey Science Terms (TBT) What should be the appropriate (See. Www.bilimterimleri.co I).

8. Introduction: In this section, the importance of the subject should be emphasized and all information should be supported by showing the source. In this section, the information that can be found within the scope of material, method, findings or discussion should never be included. Once sufficient information has been given, at the end of the section, the purpose of the study should be clearly written

9. Material and Method: In this section, the material and method used in the study should be explained in detail.

10 Results: Findings obtained from the study and statistical evidence of the reliability of these findings should be presented in this section. Findings obtained from the study can be presented with text, tables, graphics and figures. All findings should be presented without comments.

11. Discussion: In this section, findings and conclusions based on the findings should be compared with the source data, the results matching and not conforming to the sources and their causes should be discussed and interpreted. However, while discussing the findings, speculative comments should be avoided and the explanations should have a scientific basis. In this section, the source information given in the introduction should not be used in the same way, unnecessary repetitions should be avoided.

12. Conclusion and Suggestions: The main conclusion reached as a result of the study should be summarized in this section and suggestions should be made accordingly.

13. If requested; Acknowledgments section can be added after the results and suggestions.

14. Tables, graphics and figures should be written on a separate page and should be placed behind the references section. Tables, graphics and figures should be numbered sequentially according to their transition in the text and each should be given a short title. The title of the table should be written on the table, and the headings of the graphics and figures should be written below them (Example: Table 1. Introductory characteristics of women). In the table title, the first letter of the word should start with capital letters and the others should start with lowercase letters. The numbers given in the table should contain a single number after the comma. While the odd numbers are given in the text and tables, it should be comma (20.9) in Turkish articles and dots (20.9) in English articles. Warnings such as “Enter Table 1”, “Enter Graphic 2” should be placed in places where tables, graphics and figures should be in the text.

15. Pictures (Figures) should be drawn professionally, photographed or presented as digital print in photo quality. The letters, numbers, and symbols in the figures should be clear and easily readable even when their size is reduced for publication. Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are specified in the text. If a previously published image will be used, written permission from the copyright holder must be sent to use the image, and the original source must be thanked and shown in the references section.

16. Authors should put explanatory reasons in footnotes, not in the title. All non-standard abbreviations should be explained in footnotes. The letters or the following symbols must be used in the footnotes: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, †™, ‡‡

17. The references section of the article should start with a new page. References should be written alphabetically. It should be shown in brackets at the end of the sentence in the text. Individual experiences, lecture notes, papers and unpublished theses cannot be cited as sources. All references cited in the text should be included in the references section. All authors in the articles used in the References section should be stated.

 - Ozkalp, B., Sevgi, F., Ozcan, M., & Ozcan, M. M. (2010). The antibacterial activity of essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.). J Food Agric Environ, 8 (2), 272-4.

- Ünüsan, N. (2001). Examining the eating problems of preschool children. Children's Forum, 4 (1), 10-2.

- Soydan, S. B., & Samur, A. Ö. (2017). Validity and reliability study of environmental awareness and attitude scale for preschool children. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 7 (1), 78-97.

- Tuncer, S., Sert, Ö. A., Yosunkaya, A., Mutlu, M., Çelik, J., & Ökesli, S. (2003). Patient-controlled femoral nerve analgesia versus patient-controlled intravenous analgesia for postoperative analgesia after trochanteric fracture repair. Acute Pain, 4 (3-4), 105-108.

The Ethics Policy is aimed at all stakeholders (author, editor, referee, publisher and reader) who produce a scientific study, to contribute to the progress of science correctly. Compliance with scientific ethical principles is important in scientific studies prepared in accordance with this goal.

These ethical principles have been accepted by us on the basis of the directive prepared by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and are suggested to be adopted by the stakeholders, and some of them are presented below.
To be sure of the accuracy of the data related to the study, to keep the records of the research in order and to be able to give access to these data upon possible request.

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Studies submitted to our Journal for publication must have the quality of original work that has not been published in any way before or sent to be published elsewhere. When submitting their work, individuals are obliged to declare that the work has not been published on any other platform before, in whole or in part, and that they have not evaluated for publication. In case of a contrary situation, the author will be held responsible in accordance with the relevant sanctions.

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Authors should also upload the plagiarism report when uploading the work. Plagiarism is the most common and serious ethical issue affecting scientific writing. KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences tries to take the necessary precautions in order not to allow any form of plagiarism. In addition, articles are scanned with a plagiarism software (iTenthicate, Turnitin) to detect overlapping and similar text samples. Articles with a similarity score of more than 20% are not accepted for publication.

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